1. Sponsored Post Guidelines

In this page, we are going to clear a few things about our standing policy for Sponsored posts and advertisements. Please do remember that we are occasionally reviewing our policy as per Google’s policy changes and we keep all the rights to add, edit or remove any policy or requirements to keep the site safe and suitable for all. is a fast-growing Technology blog with a large number of open source communities. A very enthusiastic and professional tech team is working day and night to provide a wide range of quality content which makes this site very popular and authoritative in the particular niche. Currently, we are covering mostly Linux and open source related topics along with Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, IoT, and much more. So, I would be delighted to accommodate a highly related subject or product review in my site as a sponsored post which will definitely help your business to expand. Before contacting us for a sponsored post, I humbly request you to follow the below guidelines:

  • If you want us to publish a post on and want a link back to your blog/website, this is termed advertising and thus it needs sponsorship.
  • All sponsored posts will mention that they are sponsored posts, in accordance with FTC regulations. The post will usually end with a byline mentioning “This blog post was sponsored by (Name).”
  • The sponsored post must be highly related to the site’s topic.
  • All sponsored posts must be in accordance with the theme of We reserve the final decision to accept or reject a sponsored post.
  • The content must be unique, high quality, and plagiarism-free.
  • The minimum number of words of any content should be 1000 words.
  • Content must be written following a set of particular keywords (1 main keyword + other additional keywords).
  • We have the full right to edit the content if any grammatical or spelling mistakes found or to make it fit for the site’s overall gesture.
  • Gambling, drug, pornography, child labor, or such a link is not allowed.
  • Highest 2 links are allowed, which will be “No Follow” as per Google’s SEO Guidelines.
  • The sponsored post should include at least one high-resolution relevant picture which you must have the right to use, or it must fall under the creative commons category. The same applies to the videos.
  • If the content violates any copyright or patent, then the article will be taken down.
  • The content should be SEO optimised.
  • No AI written content is allowed. If our team found that the content is written using AI, we will be taking down the content instantly.
  • Please don’t ask for custom links on keywords and custom anchor texts. It’s strictly against our guidelines.
  • Also, it goes without saying that the terms of the partnership must not be disclosed to any third party. It’s strictly against our policy.
  • We reserve the right to take down the sponsored content and take further actions if your product/service violates any copyright or patent.
  • Payment is prepaid through PayPal, Payoneer, or International Direct Bank Wire Transfer. That means the payment must be made before publishing the content.
  • Discounted sponsored posts will be considered for repeated sponsored posts from the same source.
  • We may take 48 hrs to publish the sponsored post.

Example of Sponsored Post

A few of the examples are given below which will help you write your product review or sponsored post:

2. Advertise with Us

Now, I am going to discuss how you can advertise with us. Basically, there are 2 ways to do advertise on this site. Those are:

  1. Advertise through a Product review or a sponsored post. (Already Discussed above)
  2. Buying Ad Positions.

Here, I will only focus on Ad positions. But before that, I would like to mention some of the important metrics so that as a buyer, you can make the right decision.

History of

This site was first established in 2016 with the name, but later on, the site name was changed and rebranded to in 2017. The initial focus was on the Ubuntu Linux distro, but later on, the scope has been expanded into various open source initiatives like Machine Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, IoT, Programming, Small Board Computers, etc.

Traffic Details generates lots of page views, and it’s nearly 2 million monthly. Moreover, it has a vast open source community on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Flipboard, etc. Near about 90% of traffic comes from organic sources like Google, Yandex, DuckDuckGo, Bing, etc. And as in 2020, the global Alexa rank is 31400 and rank in USA 25260. Most of the traffic comes from the USA, UK, Canada, France, etc. This site creates typically long format evergreen content, and all the content is highly SEO optimized. You will find this site on Google’s 1st page for thousands of high valued organic keywords.

Ad Positions & Price

There are lots of ad positions available on this site which you can get at a reasonable price. Below, you can see the available positions:

  • Header Ad
  • Sidebar Top
  • Sidebar Middle
  • Sidebar Down
  • Content Top
  • Content Down
  • Content Inside after 1st Para
  • Content Inside after 2nd Para
  • Footer Ad

For traditional display advertising, we offer IAB-standard-sized units through the self-serve widget embedded below. All the ad positions will be for 90 days impression contract. Lastly, I can only assure you that this is the right place where you can put your product to reach very targeted and engaged audiences which ultimately give you a wide range of visibility on the internet and other related section. For more information, you can contact us or mail us directly through[@] Note: Any guest post requests will not be entertained.