Kotlin is a statically composed, universally useful programming language with type deduction. It is also a cross-platform language. Kotlin is intended to engage completely with Java, and Kotlin’s standard library’s JVM variant relies upon the Java Class Library.
However, Kotlin’s type of derivation permits its syntax to be more compact and precise. Therefore, it has become quite crucial to learn Kotlin these days. But to learn it in the shortest number of days, a perfect set of Kotlin books is indecipherably important.
Whether or not to pick Kotlin or Java for new advancement has been coming up a ton in the Android people group since the Google I/O declaration. The short answer is that Kotlin code is more secure and more succinct than Java code and that Kotlin and Java records can coincide in Android applications, so Kotlin isn’t just valuable for new applications but also for growing existing Java applications.
Best Kotlin Programming Books
For nearly any other individual doing Android advancement, Kotlin’s upsides are convincing. The run-of-the-mill time cited for a Java programmer to learn Kotlin is a couple of hours—a little cost to pay to wipe out invalid reference blunders, empower augmentation capacities, uphold utilitarian programming, and add coroutines.
The common unpleasant gauge shows roughly a 40 percent cut in the number of code lines from Java to Kotlin, which is quite fascinating for coders.
1. Kotlin Programming Cookbook
If you are looking for a flexible programming language that combines both object-oriented and functional programming, also a language that has the best use in Android development, then Kotlin is just the perfect name. The book ‘Kotlin Programming Cookbook’ is one of the best books available about kotlin programming.

This book is suitable for beginner developers who have the initial knowledge of Android and Java development. The book has various examples and remedies for Android development. The book covers basic introductory topics like using and applying Kotlin class, data type conversion, basics of function, Framework collections, File operation handling, and lots more. Including all these mentioned topics, this book covers a total of 14 chapters.
2. Kotlin for Android Developers
Kotlin has become one of the fastest-growing languages due to its versatility. This language is amazingly versatile for its features of connecting object-oriented and functional programming and providing features for Android development. Learning Kotlin is a must for developers, and a good book can make the journey even easier.

‘Kotlin for Android developers’ is exactly the book that a developer should search for. The amazing thing is that this is not a reference book, but it will help you as a tool for Android development. This book, which has 30 chapters, contains topics like getting started with the language, project creating details, fundamentals of classes and functions, data retrieval from API, flow control and range, etc.
3. Kotlin Blueprints
Koltin is easy to learn and one of the most useful languages these days. A perfect book can provide proper guidelines for an Android developer trying to learn kotlin deeply. A kotlin learner is expected to be familiar with Java or object-oriented language as well as functional programming. The book ‘Kotlin Blueprints’ is a book for those already familiar with kotlin programming basics.

As an intermediary level kotlin book, this book covers significant and fundamental topics of kotlin, like the power of Kotlin, why to choose Spring Boot, the Android app of social media aggregator, basics of Rest API, CVS reader details, and lots more. All these important topics are incorporated into 8 different segments of this book.
4. Kotlin in Action
Kotlin is a new and well-developed language that is a general-purpose, open-source language for Android developers. This language has assembled both object-oriented Java and functional programming. If you are a developer, then kotlin can be a really useful language for your journey, and a proper book can guide you through it.

‘Kotlin in Action’ would be a perfect choice for you if you are new to kotlin because this book will provide you with what this language is and how it can be utilized. Not only a beginner but an advanced learner can also take advantage of this book. This book has 11 chapters in total.
Topics like Why to choose Kotlin, using the tools of kotlin, a Function call, introduction of classes, objects, and interface, programming with lambdas, discussion over higher-order functions, and so many more have been discussed between two parts of this book.
5. Exploring Kotlin
Kotlin is a user-friendly language that has mixed two different language dimensions, like object-oriented and functional programming. The user who is familiar with Java can find this language extremely useful and comfortable to work with. If you have some Java experience and are interested in Android development, you must go for Kotlin programming.

To get started with and get to know Kotlin, ‘Exploring Kotlin’ can be a great companion of yours. Under 14 chapters, this book covers many important topics. Getting started with Koltin, basics of inheritance and classes, abstract classes, introduction to different classes, object expression, and declaration, Generics are topics that this book has covered.
6. Mastering High Performance with Kotlin
If you are familiar with Object-oriented languages like Java and looking for a language that can utilize your learning in a much easier way, then kotlin is the perfect language for you. Developers who are involved in Android development find this language useful. Kotlin is not a difficult language for people who already know the basics and a proper book can guide you even more effectively.

‘Mastering High Performance With Kotlin’ is an amazing book for advanced Kotlin learners. You can find 10 chapters in total in this book. Topics like identifying performance issues, indicators identification, threads profiling, time complexity, classification of delegations, and possible pattern practice have been covered in this book.
7. Kotlin Programming By Example
Kotlin is a modern language with amazing features, such as covering both functional and object-oriented programming. If your interest is in the field of Android development and you are looking for a suitable language for that, then without any doubt, go for Kotlin. A book like ‘Kotlin Programming by Example’ can help you out through it.

This book will help you by providing examples that will ensure you are well-prepared for the challenges. You will find 10 chapters in this book. Introduction to kotlin, starting the Android application with kotlin, messenger back-end implementation, and building Android apps, such as Messenger, are topics that this book discusses.
8. Kotlin Programming
Kotlin language has become a trendy language among Android developers in recent days. The amazing thing about this language is that it combines Java and functional programming in a really efficient way. To start with kotlin, you need the right book, and ‘Kotlin Programming’ can be the perfect choice for you.

This book has a really interesting headline that says ‘The big nerd ranch guide’. This book will provide you with that level of information that you will find beneficial no matter which stages you are in learning kotlin. You will find 23 individual parts that cover topics like an introduction to kotlin, attempt to first apply kotlin, functions, classes, defining classes, java interoperability, etc.
9. Kotlin Cookbook
If you are looking for a kotlin programming book focused on problem-solving-based learning, then ‘Kotlin Cookbook’ is just the right book for you. Kotlin has been a trendy language among Android developers in recent days. The best part is that it would not be that tough to learn kotlin if you already know the basics of object-oriented and functional programming.

Practicing with examples is extremely helpful for any learner because this will prepare you for real-time problems. This book does exactly that. This book is full of tips and tricks about topics like the basics of kotlin, some fundamental features of kotlin, arrays and collections, similarities with Java programming, and lots more.
10. Android Development with Kotlin
If you are an Android developer or maybe have an interest in that field, you are definitely familiar with kotlin. Kotlin is popular for its amazing features and user-friendly behavior. To get started with Kotlin and explore this language, a perfect book can be a perfect companion.

This book is also an excellent book full of useful content on kotlin programming. You can find a total of 9 chapters here. This book covers some topics, beginning with kotlin, exploring functions, different classes, the extension of functions and properties, etc. So, no matter whether you are a beginner or an intermediary learner, you can find this book useful for your journey with kotlin.
11. Learning Concurrency in Kotlin
Kotlin is a language that is broadly used for application development. This open-source general-purpose language has become so famous among developers these days. Only knowing Java or functional programming is not enough for the amazingly featured kotlin language. To explore the concurrency of kotlin, the book ‘learning concurrency in Kotlin’ has been introduced.

You can find 9 chapters inside this book talking about the basics of the kotlin language. Introduction to concurrency, concepts, terminology, threads creating, error handling, memory sharing by communicating, volatile variables, and context switching are some of the topics from this book.
12. Pro Android with Kotlin
If you are an Android developer, you must be familiar with the Kotlin programming language. This is an amazingly versatile language for developers working with object-oriented and functional programming, and their work field is Android development. Developers need a perfect companion who can help them through challenges. ‘Pro Android with Kotlin’ is that companion.

This advanced kotlin book has covered every important topic that a developer might need. Some of the topics, which are application, service details, broadcasting details, API, development with kotlin, hardware, app distribution, etc., can be found in this book. Overall, we can say within 18 chapters of this book, you can find every possible guideline that you might need as an Android developer.
13. The Joy of Kotlin
‘The Joy of Kotlin’ is a pretty interesting and different kind of book among the kotlin books available these days. The language itself is quite interesting for its versatile features. This book discusses the user-friendliness of the Kotlin language, and as a learner, you will find the book quite easy and effective in completing your understanding of safe programming.

You will find 14 chapters in this book. Making programming safe with kotlin, functional programming overview, recursion, corecursion, error handling, advanced list handling, data handling with trees, and problem-solving with trees are topics that this book discusses. So you can never go wrong by choosing this book.
14. Data Structures & Algorithms in Kotlin
As a modern developer, you might have heard about kotlin and its versatility. For Android development, kotlin plays an incredible role. ‘Data Structure and Algorithm in Kotlin’ is a practical knowledge-based book that talks about implementing data structure using kotlin. This book will help you to enrich your knowledge and improve your performance.

If you already know about object-oriented programming and Android development, this book of 23 chapters will help you implement your knowledge differently. Introduction to data structure and algorithm, Basics of data structure, a detailed discussion on trees, Algorithm sorting and graphs, and different algorithms in detail have been discussed in this book.
15. Advanced Android App Architecture
‘Advanced Android App Architecture’ is an advanced-level Android development book based on practical implementation. If you are an Android developer, then this book is irreplaceable for you. This book covers all the fundamentals of Android development and its architecture, and it would be enough for you to start with your architecture development.

You will find 19 different chapters of content in this book. You will find model view controller, architecture components, model view present details, MVVM details, VIPER details, MVI, and all the other necessary details of these topics along with other new topics in the book. So undoubtedly, this book is a great choice for Android developers.
16. Reactive Programming in Kotlin
Kotlin is an open-source, statically typed programming language that has been very popular in recent days. If you have the fundamental knowledge of kotlin and you are quite new in this development field, there is no alternative to having a proper book. ‘Reactive Programming in Kotlin’ is the kind of book that will guide you in completing your learning.

This book contains a total of 12 chapters. Under these 12 chapters, many important topics like introduction to reactive programming, functional programming using kotlin and Rxkotlin, Backpressure and flowable fundamentals, error handling, parallel processing with Schedular and Rxkotlin, APIs with spring JPAs, etc., have been covered.
17. Learn Kotlin Programming
Kotlin is a new and very effective language in recent days. One of the most amazing features of kotlin is it connects functional and object-oriented programming and is a perfect language for Android development. If you are interested in this development field and want to learn kotlin in easier ways, I have this amazing book for you named ‘Learn kotlin Programming’.

This book is a beginner-level book for Kotlin learners, and it has been designed with easy and effective learning techniques. This book is full of all the fundamental contents of kotlin, like basic contents of kotlin, exception handling, modifiers visibility, null syntax, object-oriented with kotlin, different functions, and explanations of those, higher-order functions, generics, data classes, etc.
18. Learn Android Studio 3 with Kotlin
Kotlin is really easy to learn as a programming language and a very user-friendly multi-purpose language. For beginners, there are many books available out there. But to start with this language, you need proper guidance that can help you learn it more easily and complete your learning.
‘Android Studio 3 with Kotlin’ is the perfect book aimed at beginners of kotlin learning. Even if you don’t know the basics of object-oriented or functional programming, you will still find this book effective.

The contents of this book have been divided into 20 different chapters. Some topics from this book that are mentionable are introduction and basics to kotlin, working with types, higher-order functions, starting Android programming with kotlin, event handling, fragments, debugging, etc.
19. Head First Kotlin
‘Head First Kotlin’ is a top-to-bottom funny book and one of the easiest books of kotlin existing out there recently. If you are looking for a book that will make your kotlin learning journey super fun and easy, then this is just the perfect choice of book for you. This is not a regular book that you can see everywhere but a book full of tricks and guidelines, and you will learn things with interest and fun.

You will find 12 chapters here full of small content. Basic Introduction to kotlin, learning functions, basics of types, classifications of class, and safe programming are topics from this book. All I can say is that this book won’t disappoint you in your journey of learning kotlin.
20. Programming Kotlin
If you are an Android programmer and want to build a good foundation of programming with kotlin, I have the perfect book for you. As people familiar with programming in recent days already know about kotlin programming and its amazing features, there is no need to explain kotlin’s language further. To have proper knowledge of kotlin, ‘Programming kotlin’ plays a great role for learners and developers.

If you have a moderate knowledge of Java and JVM, you will find this book effective. There are a total of 20 chapters in this book under 6 individual parts. The first part is about scripting, 2nd part is about object orientation, part 3 is functional programming, part 5 is about asynchronous programming, etc.
Some Final Words
Kotlin is a universally useful, free, open-source, statically composed “logical” programming language that at first was intended for the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and Android that joins object-oriented and practical programming highlights.
It is centered around interoperability, security, lucidity, and tooling support. For nearly any other individual doing Android advancement, Kotlin’s upsides are convincing. The time it takes for a Java language developer to learn Kotlin is a couple of hours.
We have gathered a list of top Kotlin books that will make it almost effortless for you to learn Kotlin. We hope you have found it useful to advance yourself in learning a new language. If you have liked our work, please don’t hesitate to share it with your friends and family. Best of luck!