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HomeReviews20 Best C++ Books for Both Professional and Beginners

20 Best C++ Books for Both Professional and Beginners

C++ is the most generally utilized programming language around the world and is an industry-standard for numerous types of programming. Moreover, C++ is an exceptionally effective programming language that can monitor assets more successfully than dialects such as Visual Basic or Delphi. C++ is something other than a well-known language. It gives the calculated substrata that underlie a few different dialects and a lot of current registering.

It is no mishap that two other significant dialects, Java and C#, are determined from C++. Almost everything in programming has been impacted by sentence structure, style, and C++ reasoning. Essentially expressed, being an expert software engineer suggests competency in C++. It is the entryway to all of the present-day programming. That is why a perfect set of C++ books is essential for you to learn C++.

Best C++ Books Available Online

There is no doubt that you will find a plethora of information on the internet, but that, again, requires you to know what you need to search for. If you are a beginner and want to learn C++ but you do not even know where to start, this is the perfect place for you to alight.

Here, you will find the list of the top twenty C++ books for you to get started and keep up your pace with the others around you. This list contains books that point to novices and professional programmers who want to learn advanced things in C++ and have expertise in this field.

1. A Complete Guide to Programming in C++

Whether you are a novice or an expert programmer, this C++ book must go through for you as it has been designed to serve dual markets. That is, it serves as reading material for undergraduate students as well as a friendly, reminding material for professionals.

The chapters are sorted out to manage the peruser from basic language ideas to proficient programming advancement. It also discusses the C++ language components in detail. The first few chapters give a careful portrayal of the basic qualities of the object-oriented C++ programming language.

The next few chapters clarify the utilization of streams for info and yield, emphasizing designing systems. The next part presents operators that are required for figurings and determinations. It will teach you how to write your own functions and will also illustrate the difference between pointers and arrays.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Fundamentals
  • Chapter 2 Fundamental Types, Constants, and Variables
  • Chapter 3 Using Functions and Classes
  • Chapter 4 Input and Output with Streams
  • Chapter 5 Operators for Fundamental Types
  • Chapter 6 Control Flow
  • Chapter 7 Symbolic Constants and Macros
  • Chapter 8 Converting Arithmetic Types
  • Chapter 9 The Standard Class string
  • Chapter 10 Functions
  • Chapter 11 Storage Classes and Namespaces
  • Chapter 12 References and Pointers
  • Chapter 13 Defining Classes
  • Chapter 14 Methods
  • Chapter 15 Member Objects and Static Members
  • Chapter 16 Arrays
  • Chapter 17 Arrays and Pointers
  • Chapter 18 Fundamentals of File Input and Output
  • Chapter 19 Overloading Operators
  • Chapter 20 Type Conversion for Classes
  • Chapter 21 Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • Chapter 22 Dynamic Members
  • Chapter 23 Inheritance
  • Chapter 24 Type Conversion in Class Hierarchies
  • Chapter 25 Polymorphism
  • Chapter 26 Abstract Classes
  • Chapter 27 Multiple Inheritance
  • Chapter 28 Exception Handling
  • Chapter 29 More About Files
  • Chapter 30 More About Pointers
  • Chapter 31 Manipulating Bits
  • Chapter 32 Templates
  • Chapter 33 Containers

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2. Beginning C++ Through Game Programming

The objective of this book is to acquaint you with the C++ language from a game programming viewpoint. Obviously, both these topics are extremely widespread and deep enough for you to master them by just reading a single book, but this particular book will help you to begin your excursion.

This C++ book is designed for someone who wants to program games. It is focused on the aggregate novice and expects no past programming experience. If you feel comfortable utilizing your PC, then you can start your game programming directly now.

Yet, because this book is composed especially for the novice, that does not mean learning C++ and programming games will be an easy job. You will need to peruse, work, and investigate a lot. But do not worry. After finishing this book, you will have a strong establishment in the game programming language as of the experts.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Types, Variables, and Standard I/O: Lost Fortune
  • Chapter 2 Truth, Branching, and the Game Loop: Guess My Number
  • Chapter 3 For Loops, Strings, and Arrays: Word Jumble
  • Chapter 4 The Standard Template Library: Hangman
  • Chapter 5 Functions: Mad Lib
  • Chapter 6 References: Tic-Tac-Toe
  • Chapter 7 Pointers: Tic-Tac-Toe 2.0
  • Chapter 8 Classes: Critter Caretaker
  • Chapter 9 Advanced Classes and Dynamic Memory: Game Lobby
  • Chapter 10 Inheritance and Polymorphism: Blackjack

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3. The C++ Programming Language

This C++ book will show you major C++ language highlights and also the standard library. Highlights are introduced with regard to their utilization in the language. This book exhibits key methods that make C++ successful and instructs the key ideas important for dominance. The essential point of this book is to enable the peruser to see how the offices offered by C++ bolster key programming strategies.

The point of this book is to take you a long way from basic programming. It is enhanced by execution documentation. What this book will teach you is adequate for finishing noteworthy real-world ventures. This book will enable you to pick up new bits of knowledge and become a superior developer and originator.

Table of Contents

Introductory Material 

  • A Tour of C++
  • A Tour of the Standard Library

Part I: Basic Facilities 

  • Types and Declarations
  • Pointers, Arrays, and Structures
  • Expressions and Statements
  • Functions
  • Namespaces and Exceptions
  • Source Files and Programs

Part II: Abstraction Mechanisms 

  • Classes
  • Operator Overloading
  • Derived Classes
  • Templates
  • Exception Handling
  • Class Hierarchies

Part III: The Standard Library 

  • Library Organization and Containers
  • Standard Containers
  • Algorithms and Function Objects
  • Iterators and Allocators
  • Strings
  • Streams
  • Numerics

Part IV: Design Using C++

  • Development and Design
  • Design and Programming
  • Roles of Classes

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4. C++ A Beginners Guide 

If you are a beginner and you want to learn C++, then you ought to take a look at this book. This book was designed to portray C++, including its history, its plan theory, and a few of its most significant highlights.

By a wide margin, the hardest thing about learning a programming language is the certainty that no component exists in detachment. Rather, the segments of the language cooperate with each other. This interrelatedness makes it hard to talk about one part of C++ without including others.

This C++ book gives a concise diagram of a few C++ highlights to help beat this issue, including the general type of a C++ program, some essential control proclamations, and administrators. Do not worry because it will not bore you by talking about too many details, but rather it will focus on the general ideas that are normal to any C++ program.

Table of Contents

  • A Brief History of C++
  • How C++ Relates to Java and C#
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • A First Simple Program
  • A Second Simple Program
  • Using an Operator
  • Reading Input from the Keyboard
  • Converting Feet to Meters
  • Two Control Statements
  • Using Blocks of Code
  • Generating a Table of Feet to Meter Conversions
  • Introducing Functions
  • The C++ Keywords
  • Identifiers

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5. C++ For Dummies

Are you intimidated by even the thought of learning C++, which is a completely new language for you? Well then, this C++ book is the perfect choice for you. This book is a fundamental, introductory one that will teach you the basic features you need to know to get started and many sophisticated techniques that will help you become an expert programmer.

It contains numerous examples and small snippets of code to make each chapter crystal clear for you. C++ has many features, and they are more like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. What this book will do is teach you how they fit together with each other. To make it easier for you to grasp the topics smoothly, small snippets of code are evenly spread out throughout the chapters.

Table of Contents

Part I: Getting Started with C++ Programming 

  • Chapter 1: Writing Your First C++ Program
  • Chapter 2: Declaring Variables Constantly
  • Chapter 3: Performing Mathematical Operations
  • Chapter 4: Performing Logical Operations
  • Chapter 5: Controlling Program Flow

Part II: Becoming a Functional C++ Programmer 

  • Chapter 6: Creating Functions
  • Chapter 7: Storing Sequences in Arrays
  • Chapter 8: Taking a First Look at C++ Pointers
  • Chapter 9: Taking a Second Look at C++ Pointers
  • Chapter 10: The C++ Preprocessor

Part III: Introduction to Classes 

  • Chapter 11: Examining Object-Oriented Programming
  • Chapter 12: Adding Class to C++
  • Chapter 13: Point and Stare at Objects
  • Chapter 14: Protecting Members: Do Not Disturb
  • Chapter 15: “Why Do You Build Me Up, Just To Tear Me Down, Baby?”
  • Chapter 16: Making Constructive Arguments
  • Chapter 17: The Copy/Move Constructor
  • Chapter 18: Static Members: Can Fabric Softener Help?

Part IV: Inheritance 

  • Chapter 19: Inheriting a Class
  • Chapter 20: Examining Virtual Member Functions: Are They for Real?
  • Chapter 21: Factoring Classes

Part V: Security 

  • Chapter 22: A New Assignment Operator, Should You Decide to Accept It
  • Chapter 23: Using Stream I/O
  • Chapter 24: Handling Errors — Exceptions
  • Chapter 25: Inheriting Multiple Inheritance
  • Chapter 26: Tempting C++ Templates
  • Chapter 27: Standardizing on the Standard Template Library
  • Chapter 28: Writing Hacker-Proof Code

Part VI: The Part of Tens 

  • Chapter 29: Ten Ways to Avoid Adding Bugs to Your Program
  • Chapter 30: Ten Ways to Protect Your Programs from Hackers

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6. C++ for Everyone

This C++ book is a prologue to C++ and PC programming that centers around the basics and viable learning. The book is intended to serve a wide scope of undergraduate students and is reasonable for an elementary course in programming for PC researchers, specialists, and understudies in different areas.

No earlier programming experience is required; only a humble measure of secondary school math is required. Obviously, programming students should execute nontrivial programs, yet they first need to have the certainty that they can succeed.

This book contains a generous number of exercises and problems towards the end of each chapter. Thus, it will prepare you as a strong candidate for C++.

Table of Contents

Chapter 3 – DECISIONS
Chapter 4 –  LOOPS
Chapter 5 – FUNCTIONS
Chapter 7 – POINTERS
Chapter 8 – STREAMS
Chapter 9 – CLASSES
Chapter 10 – INHERITANCE
Chapter 11 – RECURSION

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7. C++ From The Ground Up 

This book shows you how to program in C++ — the most impressive coding language being used today. No past programming experience is required to get started with this book. The book begins with the nuts and bolts, covers the essentials, proceeds onward to the language’s depth, and finishes up with its further developed highlights.

When you finish this book, undoubtedly, you will be an accomplished C++ software engineer. However, there is a hidden truth when it comes to learning to code, and that is, no matter how much you read books and gain knowledge, practice is unconditionally important for you to learn C++ appropriately at the end of the day.

Therefore, after reading through each section of the book, try out the sample problems given there and see if you can do them independently. If you can, then you are doing an amazing job at learning this language.

Table of Contents

  • The Story of C++
  • An Overview of C++
  • The Basic Data Types
  • Program Control Statements
  • Arrays and Strings
  • Pointers
  • Functions, Part One: The Fundamentals
  • Functions, Part Two: References, Overloading, and Default Arguments
  • More Data Types and Operators
  • Structures and Unions
  • Introducing the Class
  • A Closer Look at Classes
  • Operator Overloading
  • Inheritance
  • Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
  • Templates
  • Exception Handling
  • The C++ I/O System
  • Run-Time Type ID and the Casting Operators
  • Namespaces and Other Advanced Topics
  • Introducing the Standard Template Library
  • The C++ Preprocessor

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8. C++ in a Nutshell 

C++, in a Nutshell, is a reference to the C++ language and library. Being a Nutshell book, it does not have many details on the topics, yet it is sufficiently finished to cover everything a working proficient has to know. Regardless, C++ is such a huge and complex language that even this Nutshell management is an enormous book. This book is a reference.

It is not an instructional exercise. Newcomers to C++ may discover this book’s segments hard to comprehend, as it is more like a summary. The principal center of this book is around the reference material. This book is excellent for those who want to prepare for a job interview or a class.

Table of Contents

Language Basics 

  • Compilation Steps
  • Tokens
  • Comments
  • Character Sets
  • Alternative Tokens
  • Trigraphs


  • Declarations and Definitions
  • Scope
  • Name Lookup
  • Linkage
  • Type Declarations
  • Object Declarations
  • Namespaces


  • Lvalues and Rvalues
  • Type Conversions
  • Constant Expressions
  • Expression Evaluation
  • Expression Rules


  • Expression Statements
  • Declarations
  • Compound Statements
  • Selections
  • Loops
  • Control Statements
  • Handling Exceptions


  • Function Declarations
  • Function Definitions
  • Function Overloading
  • Operator Overloading
  • The main Function


  • Class Definitions
  • Data Members
  • Member Functions
  • Inheritance
  • Access Specifiers
  • Friends
  • Nested Types


  • Overview of Templates
  • Template Declarations
  • Function Templates
  • Class Templates
  • Specialization
  • Partial Specialization
  • Instantiation
  • Name Lookup
  • Tricks with Templates
  • Compiling Templates

Standard Library 

  • Overview of the Standard Library
  • C Library Wrappers
  • Wide and Multibyte Characters
  • Traits and Policies
  • Allocators
  • Numerics

Input and Output 

  • Introduction to I/O Streams
  • The text I/O
  • Binary I/O
  • Stream Buffers
  • Manipulators
  • Errors and Exceptions

Containers, Iterators, and Algorithms

  • Containers
  • Iterators
  • Algorithms

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9. C++ in One Hour a Day

This book is intended to assist you in showing yourself how to program with C++. Just like you can figure out how to walk slowly and carefully as you grow up, you can also figure out how to program in C++ only for an hour every day.

Every exercise has been structured with the goal that you can peruse the whole exercise in just an hour daily. It lays accentuation on the daily use of the language and will help you catch up with ideas that are generally significant, such as C++ applications for real-world utilization.

By centering for only an hour daily at once, you’ll find out about such essentials as arrays, pointers, loops, and object-oriented programming. To assist you with becoming progressively capable, every exercise closes with many normal inquiries, answers, tests, and activities. You can check your advancement by examining the test using the answers given in Appendix D.

You do not have to bother with any past involvement with programming to learn C++ with this book. This book begins you from the earliest starting point and shows you both the language and the ideas engaged with programming C++.

Regardless of whether you are simply starting or, as of now, having some experience in programming, you will find that this current book’s unmistakable association makes learning C++ quick and simple.

Table of Contents

PART I: The Basics

  • Getting Started
  • The Anatomy of a C++ Program
  • Using Variables, Declaring Constants
  • Managing Arrays and Strings
  • Working with Expressions, Statements, and Operators
  • Organizing Code with Functions
  • Controlling Program Flow
  • Pointers Explained
  • Exploiting References

PART II: Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming and C++

  • Classes and Objects
  • Implementing Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Operator Types and Operator Overloading
  • Casting Operators
  • An Introduction to Macros and Templates

PART III: Learning the Standard Template Library (STL)

  • An Introduction to the Standard Template Library
  • The STL string Class
  • STL Dynamic Array Classes
  • STL list
  • STL set and multiset
  • STL map and multimap


  • Understanding Function Objects
  • STL Algorithms
  • Adaptive Containers: stack and queue
  • Working with Bit Flags Using STL

PART V: Advanced C++ Concepts

  • Understanding Smart Pointers
  • Working with Streams
  • Exception Handling
  • Tapping Further into the Preprocessor

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10. C++ Pocket Reference

The C++ pocket reference is a reference book for the C++ programming language. It contains many short sections, which are further divided into subtopics. This is not a book for the absolute beginners but rather for developers who already have experience in C++.

If you read this book, you will realize that it is more condensed to the most commonly used features of C++. This pocket reference comes in quite handy when you prepare yourself for an interview or just want to brush up on your skills and knowledge before taking a class.

Table of Contents

Program Structure 

  • Startup
  • Termination
  • Header Files
  • Source Files
  • Preprocessor Directives
  • Preprocessor Macros

Fundamental Types 

  • bool
  • char and wchar_t
  • short, int, long
  • float, double, long double

Compound Types  

  • Enumerations
  • Arrays
  • Strings
  • Pointers
  • Pointers to Members
  • References
  • Class Types

Type Conversions and Definitions  

  • Type Conversions
  • Type Definitions

Lexical Elements  

  • Comments
  • Identifiers
  • Reserved Words
  • Literals
  • Operators
  • Expressions


  • Local Scope
  • Class Scope
  • Namespace Scope
  • File Scope
  • Other Scopes
  • Enclosing Scopes


  • Declaring Variables
  • Declaring Functions
  • Storage Classes
  • Qualifiers


  • Expression Statements
  • Null Statements
  • Compound Statements
  • Iteration Statements
  • Selection Statements
  • Jump Statements


  • using Declarations
  • using Directives
  • Unnamed Namespaces

Classes, Structs, and Unions  

  • Declaring Objects
  • Accessing Members
  • Declaring Data Members
  • Declaring Member Functions
  • Access Levels for Members
  • Friends
  • Constructors
  • Destructors
  • Nested Declarations
  • Forward Declarations
  • Structs
  • Unions


  • Constructors and Inheritance
  • Destructors and Inheritance
  • Virtual Member Functions
  • Abstract Base Classes
  • Access Levels for Inheritance
  • Multiple Inheritance
  • Virtual Base Classes


  • Template Classes
  • Template Functions


  • Overloading Functions
  • Overloading Operators

Memory Management  

  • Memory Allocation
  • Memory Reclamation

Casts and Runtime Type Information  

  • C-Style Casts
  • Casts in C++
  • Runtime Type Information

Exception Handling  

  • try
  • throw
  • catch
  • Exception Specifications

The C++ Standard Library  

  • The std Namespace
  • C Standard Library Support
  • C++ Standard Header Files
  • I/O Streams

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11. C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner 

Through this book’s span, you will find numerous inborn programming procedures that apply not only to C++ but also to programming in the convention. These regular programming methods will make it simpler for you to figure out how to program in different dialects and programming languages and make applications other than game applications.

The book moves from straightforward content-based projects to increasingly convoluted games with real designs. If you are a flat-out fledgling at programming, you should learn C++ by reading the chapters serially as given in this book.

Then again, on the off chance that you have some involvement with programming, you should bypass the initial six parts, which discuss the fundamental, basic topics and bounce ahead to further developed topics.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Starting the Journey
  • Chapter 2 Descending Deeper into Variables
  • Chapter 3 Making Choices with Control Statements
  • Chapter 4 Structuring Your Code with Functions
  • Chapter 5 Designing Software: Object-Oriented Programming
  • Chapter 6 Managing Memory
  • Chapter 7 Relating Classes
  • Chapter 8 Using Templates
  • Chapter 9 Using Streams and Files
  • Chapter 10 Errors and Exception Handling
  • Chapter 11 Creating the Pirate Adventure

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12. C++ Programming Fundamentals

C++ Programming Fundamentals shows C++ programming’s essentials in a simple-to-follow style without requiring you to have any previous knowledge of programming in other languages. An assortment of models, such as grade following and grade point average computation, game programming, and association, makes learning C++ both enjoyable to learn and simultaneously interesting.

Every section contains at least one beneficial model program, and there are more examples scattered throughout the book. Most importantly, this book is pointed mainly at the novice; however, it does not patronize the peruser. Indeed, you might be an amateur at C++ and maybe even a novice at programming.

Additionally, this book acknowledges that you need total and complete code tests to understand each topic properly as an amateur. Thus, this book has more than 80 working code tests, which are totally worked out in the content and CD-ROM.

Table of Contents

C++ Programming Fundamentals

Section I – C++ Fundamentals

  • Chapter 1 – C++ Basics
  • Chapter 2 – Console Input and Output
  • Chapter 3 – Arrays, Strings, and Bitwise Operations
  • Chapter 4 – Functions
  • Chapter 5 – Decision Structures and Loops
  • Chapter 6 – File Input and Output
  • Chapter 7 – Exception Handling
  • Chapter 8 – User-Defined Data Types
  • Chapter 9 – Pointers

Section II – Object-Oriented Programming

  • Chapter 10 – Classes
  • Chapter 11 – Inheritance
  • Chapter 12 – Advanced Object-Oriented Concepts

Section III – Advanced Topics in C++

  • Chapter 13 – Basic Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Chapter 14 – Build Your Own Game in C++

Section IV – Visual C++

  • Chapter 15 – Introduction to Visual C++
  • Chapter 16 – More Windows Applications with Visual C++

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13. C++ Programming In Easy Steps 

This C++ book is a prologue to programming with C++, giving instances of program code and its yield to show this incredible language’s rudiments. This book makes no presumption that the peruser has past information on any programming language, so it is reasonable for the learner to program in C++, regardless of whether they know C or not.

So, without worrying, you can jump straight to learning C++ with the help of this book. Everything is provided in such easy and simple steps that you will not even feel that you are learning something new.

Table of Contents

  • Getting started
  • Performing operations
  • Making statements
  • Handling strings
  • Reading and writing files
  • Pointing to data
  • Creating classes and objects
  • Harnessing polymorphism
  • Processing macros
  • Programming visually

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14. C++ Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

Now, hands down, this is one of the most useful C++ books out there as it has all the solutions to the problems you may face while programming with this language. It covers all topics from all edges. Starting with the most basic C++, it moves to modern C++, which includes all the advancements or developments made within these few years.

It then moves to STL classes and algorithms, as well as classes and inheritance. Not only these, but this book will also give you a glimpse of the 3D graphics programming at the finishing of this book. So missing out on this book will be a big loss for you novices as well as experts.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Beginning C++
  • Chapter 2: Modern C++
  • Chapter 3: Working with Text
  • Chapter 4: Working with Numbers
  • Chapter 5: Classes
  • Chapter 6: Inheritance
  • Chapter 7: The STL Containers
  • Chapter 8: The STL Algorithms
  • Chapter 9: Templates
  • Chapter 10: Memory
  • Chapter 11: Concurrency
  • Chapter 12: Networking
  • Chapter 13: Scripting
  • Chapter 14: 3D Graphics Programming

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15. C++ Standard Library Quick Reference

The book is focused on all C++ software engineers, paying little attention to their capability with the language or the Standard Library. So, do not worry if you are new to C++, as its instructional exercise angles will rapidly update you with the C++ Standard Library.

Indeed, even the most experienced C++ software engineer will achieve some things from the book and take it as an imperative reference and memory help. The book does not clarify the C++ language or linguistic structure itself; however, it is available to anybody with essential C++ knowledge or programming experience.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Numerics and Math
  • Chapter 2: General Utilities
  • Chapter 3: Containers
  • Chapter 4: Algorithms
  • Chapter 5: Stream I/O
  • Chapter 6: Characters and Strings
  • Chapter 7: Concurrency
  • Chapter 8: Diagnostics

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16. Learn To Program With C++

Are you worried about the fact that you have absolutely no experience in programming, and therefore, you will fall behind the others? Well then, this book is for you as it will literally hold your hand and walk you through the chapters one by one. You will just have to give your full attention while reading the chapters.

There are multifarious examples and codes given throughout the book, so you will easily grasp all topics by going through the programs and running them on your computer. The secret recipe behind a good programmer is patience.

So, if you want to learn C++ and have expertise in this field, you will have to stay patient and move along the chapters in the order given maximum benefits. Very smoothly, the book covers all the easy and intricate topics, one after the other, and does not even allow the reader to understand the gradual change.

Table of Contents

  • Where Do I Begin?
  • Getting Comfortable with C++
  • Data
  • Selection Structures
  • Loops
  • Creating Your Own Functions
  • Creating Objects from Instantiable Classes
  • Controlling Access to the Data in Your Object
  • Inheritance
  • Arrays
  • Pointers
  • Errors and Error Handling

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17. C++ Today – The Beast Is Back

This C++ book refers to the C++ language as a beast. Now you may think, “Why Beast?”. That is because of the language’s vast scope, intricacy, the huge number of users using it, its developed libraries, etc. Learning and mastering C++ is definitely not an easy process; rather, it requires a huge amount of time and effort.

If you can give these two things, you have already passed the test halfway. To fight this “beast” and win the “match,” this book will be your guardian angel. Study it and learn all the tricks and techniques that you will need to win over and master this “beast.” No other C++ books will give you such open, straightforward tactics as this one. So grab it now.

Table of Contents

The Nature of the Beast

  • C++: What’s It Good For?

The Origin Story

  • C: Portable Assembler
  • C with High-Level Abstractions
  • The ’90s: The OOP Boom and a Beast Is Born
  • The 2000s: Java, the Web, and the Beast Nods Off

The Beast Wakes

  • Technology Evolution: Performance Still Matters
  • Language Evolution: Modernizing C++
  • Tools Evolution: The Clang Toolkit
  • Library Evolution: The Open Source Advantage

The Beast Roars Back 

  • WG21
  • Tools
  • Standard C++ Foundation
  • Boost: A Library and Organization
  • Q&A
  • Conferences and Groups
  • Videos
  • CppCast
  • Books

Digging Deep on Modern C++

  • Type Inference: Auto and Decltype
  • How to Move Semantics Support Value-Semantic and
  • Functional Programming
  • No More Output Parameters
  • Inner Functions with Lambdas
  • Lambdas as a Scope with a Return Value

The Future of C++

  • Setting the Standard
  • Never Make Predictions, Especially About the Future

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18. C++ Without Fear

This C++ book will give you so much strength that you will feel like you are the only expert in programming. This will kill the fear that you have of programming deep inside of you. This book assumes that you only know how to use a mouse and switch on your computer, and that is it. Therefore, for you guys who have some previous programming knowledge, the first few chapters are more like a waiver for you.

This book is super interesting as the examples given in this book are puzzle or game-based and are very practical. So you will be able to relate to your own lives. Complicated terms like object-oriented programming, polymorphism, and inheritance are discussed with concrete examples.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1 Your First C++ Programs
  • Chapter 2 Decisions, Decisions
  • Chapter 3 The Handy, All-Purpose “for” Statement
  • Chapter 4 Functions: Many Are Called
  • Chapter 5 Arrays: All in a Row
  • Chapter 6 Pointers: Getting a Handle on Data
  • Chapter 7 Strings: Analyzing the Text
  • Chapter 8 Files: Electronic Storage
  • Chapter 9 Some Advanced Programming Techniques
  • Chapter 10 New Features of C++0x
  • Chapter 11 Introducing Classes: The Fraction Class
  • Chapter 12 Constructors: If You Build It
  • Chapter 13 Operator Functions: Doing It with Class
  • Chapter 14 Dynamic Memory and the String Class
  • Chapter 15 Two Complete OOP Examples
  • Chapter 16 Easy Programming with STL
  • Chapter 17 Inheritance: What a Legacy
  • Chapter 18 Polymorphism: Object Independence

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19. C++ Programming Cookbook

In light of the configuration of a conventional food cookbook, this C++ book distills the pith of many universally useful C++ systems into an assortment of recipes. The fun part is that every recipe depicts an arrangement of important ingredients, such as functions, headers, classes, etc.

After that, it exhibits the steps required to convene those ingredients into a code arrangement that accomplishes the ideal result. Obviously, no cookbook consists of all the recipes that you desire, but this C++ book has attempted to traverse a wide scope of subjects. This book is an assortment of methods that tell the best way to perform different C++ programming assignments.

As the title suggests, it utilizes the notable “cookbook” position. Each “formula” outlines how to achieve a particular activity. At last, the objective of this book is to spare you time and exertion during program advancement.

Every formula demonstrates one approach to creating an answer, portraying the vital components and the sequence they should utilize. With this data, you can plan an arrangement that accommodates your particular needs.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • String Handling
  • Working with STL Containers
  • Algorithms, Function Objects, and Other STL Components
  • Working with I/O
  • Formatting Data
  • Potpourri

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20. Learn C++ For Game Development

C++ is one of the essential languages if you want to learn game programming or learn how to develop games. Let me tell you how C++ makes it super easy and efficient to program games, and not only that, its numerous features make game programming extremely interesting as well as useful.

Among the other game development C++ books, this one focuses more on the updated versions of all the standards of C++. There are five parts inside this book covering each topic thoroughly so that before heading forward, you already have expertise in the earlier topics.

As you read this book, you will notice that one part only has the STL described in detail, which is extremely important for game programming. Overall, this book is a win-win for those struggling to learn C++ and game programming.

Table of Contents

  • Chapter 1: Beginning C++

Part 1: Procedural Programming

  • Chapter 2: Writing a Guessing Game with C++ Types
  • Chapter 3: Creating Calculators with Operators
  • Chapter 4: Beginning C++ Game Development with Arrays
  • Chapter 5: Functions, the Building Blocks of C++
  • Chapter 6: Making Decisions with Flow Control
  • Chapter 7: Organizing Projects Using Files and Namespaces

Part 2: Object-Oriented Programming

  • Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Programming with Classes
  • Chapter 9: Controlling Data with Access Modifiers
  • Chapter 10: Building Games with Inheritance
  • Chapter 11: Designing Game Code with Polymorphism
  • Chapter 12: Copying and Assigning Data to Objects

Part 3: The STL

  • Chapter 13: The STL String Class
  • Chapter 14: STL Array and Vector
  • Chapter 15: STL List
  • Chapter 16: STL’s Associative Containers
  • Chapter 17: STL’s Stack and Queue
  • Chapter 18: STL’s bitset
  • Chapter 19: Using the STL in Text Adventure

Part 4: Generic Programming

  • Chapter 20: Template Programming
  • Chapter 21: Practical Template Programming

Part 5: C++ Game Programming

  • Chapter 22: Managing Memory for Game Developers
  • Chapter 23: Useful Design Patterns for Game Development
  • Chapter 24: Using File IO to Save and Load Games
  • Chapter 25: Speeding Up Games with Concurrent Programming
  • Chapter 26: Supporting Multiple Platforms in C++
  • Chapter 27: Wrapping Up

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Finally, Insights

C++ is the best programming language to learn. Since C++ was intended for proficient programming, C++ is not the simplest programming language to learn.  Once you have aced C++, you will have the option to compose proficient, quality, superior projects that will help you greatly in your job life. You will also have the option to learn other crucial programming languages effectively, like Java or C# because they share a basic syntax and plan similar to C++.

We really hope that we can provide you with the information that you desire to look for. This set of C++ books is important for you to learn C++ and master it. So, definitely give them a read. If this information helped you in any way, please do not hesitate to share it with your friends and family. Best of luck!

Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan is a passionate enthusiast for technology. He admires all things tech and loves to help others understand the fundamentals of Linux, servers, networking, and computer security in an understandable way without overwhelming beginners. His articles are carefully crafted with this goal in mind - making complex topics more accessible.

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