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HomeReviewsTop 20 Best Cloud Computing Examples and Uses

Top 20 Best Cloud Computing Examples and Uses

Cloud computing is a technical term that emerged in 2006 all over the IT world. Let us clear the concept of cloud computing first. It means storing data on the internet according to user orientation and accessing those data if necessary rather than using the hard drive. Besides, cloud computing does not mean using the local area network of home or office. The usage of cloud computing examples below will help you understand its effects in our regular life.

Cloud Computing Examples & Usages

It becomes blurry to differentiate between cloud computing and local computing. Local software (MS Office 360) uses a cloud platform (Microsoft One Drive), which is hard to understand for some people. Few usages of cloud computing examples from a different perspective may clear your thoughts.

1. Cloud Computing in Social Network


Although there are many important examples of cloud computing in the IT field, the use of cloud computing on social networks is easy to understand. Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In all popular social sites that are dependent on cloud computing. For example, we all have chat experience on social media. Whatever we write on the chatbox, it directly stores in cloud storage on runtime.

Insight of this example

  • Facebook itself is an application of cloud computing. Besides, Facebook stores its data on the underground data center. Facebook provides API so that developers can design their own mobile or web applications.
  • Internet usability increases as people upload heavyweight multimedia content in social media, which are cloud computing examples.
  • Without a cloud server, it will be hard for social media to manage all time updating multimedia content.
  • The owner of a cloud server gets a vast amount of structured and non-structured data useful for big data analysis.
  • The cloud server is a highly secured online storage, and it ensures a smooth distribution of data among multiple devices.

2. Storage Service of Cloud Computing


There are three types of services cloud computing provides. That is SASS(Software as a service), PASS(Platform-as-a-service), IASS(Infrastructure-as-a-service). Among them, Gmail and dropbox provide cloud storage as a software service. Dropbox and Gmail are the leading cloud computing storage examples.

Insight of this example

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  • Large memory storage capabilities and sharing of the program among various devices are the main advantages of cloud storage.
  • Common user does not need to afraid of data destruction as all those are saved securely.
  • We said before, Google drive is cloud software storage. But online software like Google Docs, Excel, PowerPoint, etc., is beneficial for office employees.
  • Cloud storage (dropbox) can be used offline, which is a fantastic opportunity.
  • A few examples of cloud storage are Yahoo mail, Xdrive, MediaMax, and Strongspace.

3. Online Streaming Platform


Scalable usage of resources with subscription fees is a major characteristic of cloud computing. Users have to pay only the amount of usage of that service, which is becoming useful day by day. Obviously, it is a valuable feature, and the user can scale up and down according to demand. Netflix is a familiar example of cloud computing scalability.

Insight of this example

  • Cloud computing applications provide flexibility in spending money and time. According to business demand, users can add or deduct resource capacity.
  • Vertical, Horizontal, and Diagonal are the three types of scalability of cloud computing.
  • Online streaming sites use cloud computing because providing the same quality performance offline, and online is only possible by cloud computing.
  • Cloud computing allows the content makers to make more complex and robust interactive content as the user will hardly download whole content from the streaming sites.
  • Ensures efficient usage of bandwidth as the user will watch only a particular content.
  • Here are some cloud computing applications of streaming sites. Example: Netflix, HBO Now, Amazon Prime Video, Hulu, Sling Orange, etc.

4. Chatbots


Chatbots are complex artificial intelligence-based software used by various organizations for business purposes. Obviously, the location of chatbots is cloud storage, as it is learning the software. The scalable capacity of cloud storage about user information makes it possible to analyze user preferences. Chatbots provides various product-based information, custom messages and helps the user to get the right information.

Insight of this example

  • Siri, Alexa, Google assistant are the few intelligent examples of cloud computing bot.
  • A combination of deep learning and neural networks connected with cloud storage is the base of chatbots.
  • Semantic parsing, automated planning, natural language generations are the technologies that make chatbots intelligent.
  • Chatbots increase a company’s revenue with its efficiency besides no need to hire a real human to make contact with clients.
  • The customer of a company engages more as chatbot provides accurate buying experience, which enriches the practical paradigm of cloud computing examples.

5. Communication Media


Obviously, we are talking about communication online. Cloud services enable users to be connected in convenient network-based access. The concept of cloud computing accumulates lots of connecting paradigms like email, calendar, voice, chat, or video. For large-scale applications, a third-party cloud service company handles communication between users.

Insight of this example

  • To deploy cloud services with other communication applications, it needs to have varieties of architecture and service models.
  • CAAS(Communication-as-a-service) is a new service model for enterprise communication.
  • Service holder delivers various telecommunication services like VoIP, video conferencing, Instant messaging, etc.
  • Popular app Skype and WhatsApp use cloud communication service models, and store generated data into the cloud.
  • Those cloud computing examples enables users to access and communicate from anywhere in the world.

6. Productivity Enrichment


Productivity for companies is an important issue. Suppose an employee made a presentation for tomorrow’s meeting. But his computer is damaged for some reason. The application of cloud computing provides better solutions. Google doc and Microsoft office 360 are the most efficient tools for office employees to save the necessary documents. This technology reduces pressure as data is already saved into the cloud, which increases productivity.

Insight of this example

  • Cloud computing allows the user to work from home as data will be saved in cloud storage.
  • Before the cloud age, each project was fragmented into multiple organizations, and it was hard to monitor the current status of the project. But the whole project in cloud storage ensures a simultaneous contribution. Example: Git.
  • Several organizations keep the company’s full IT infrastructure into cloud storage, which reduces extra maintenance costs.
  • It provides a competitive advantage by capitalizing on accurate resources, which increases productivity.

7. Business Management


Cloud computing examples are most useful for various business management applications.  Cloud service providers are offering various small business solutions like enterprise resource planning and customer resource management.

Examples of cloud computing for business management are Salesforce, Marketo, Hubspot, and more. Those cloud service provider enables interconnected data exchange in the application and provides quality services to the customer.

Insight of this example

  • Each cloud service provider offers different cloud platforms for business management. For example, analytics cloud, IoT cloud, health cloud, commerce cloud. Each business company only has to order services.
  • With Artificial Intelligence, each service model can predict accurate forecasting with analytics workflow.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) helps to improve the connection between customers and companies.
  • Ensures security of business resources and provides hassle-free maintenance.
  • Service testing is a feature provided by the cloud service provider. Before real-time implementation, users can test a service.

8. Marketing Cloud Platform


Managing contact and target reach is a challenge for many companies. Cloud computing applications are suggesting a better solution. Different organizations are prioritizing marketing automation. For marketing strategy, it is important to understand customer choice and optimize the cost of the marketing. Cloud-based marketing platforms ensure connectivity between users and consumers through email, social media, etc.

Insight of this example

  • Email marketing, SMS marketing, social media marketing, data analysis, web personalization, etc., are some of the solutions for the customer journey.
  • Predictive analysis of cloud programs suggests to users which way would be better to connect with a customer.
  • An advanced email delivery capability ensures email actually arrived at the customer’s inbox.
  • Analyzes the market and suggests an online campaign to accumulate all data of the customer for future prediction.
  • A few examples of cloud-based marketing platforms are oracle marketing cloud, Hubspot, AgilOne predictive marketing cloud, Message cloud, etc.

9. Application Development


Suppose you are an application developer; whether web or mobile application, cloud storage will definitely be your first choice. Cloud computing examples can offer cross-platform solutions. Optimization and effectiveness is the reason why companies are shifting to cloud applications. Those cloud platforms offer several tools and libraries to accelerate cloud applications.

Insight of this example

  • One of the benefits of cloud application is it reduces the risk of IT infrastructure implementation.
  • The elasticity of cloud infrastructure enables application development smooth and fast.
  • The most widely used cloud providing service for application development is Amazon EC-2 for elastic cloud computing.
  • Microsoft also offers a cloud platform calls Azure, which is consisted of 600 services for application development.
  • Companies are embracing cloud computing applications for their security and robustness, which increases the economy of companies.
  • Other examples of a cloud platform for application development are G Suite, Apache Hadoop, Apache Cassandra, Hbase, MongoDB, Redis, etc.

10. Testing and Deployment


Before deployment, testing is an essential task. For a large project, it is sometimes very difficult to test on different platforms. But cloud computing examples provide a better solution, which is also easily available and cost-effective. Without building its own testing infrastructure, cloud technology allows web and mobile application testing on a different machine.

Insight of this example

  • Application Testing in the cloud platform saves resources and project time.
  • Enables tester to check the system under huge traffic from all over the world.
  • Provides real-time analytics report, which is convenient for a tester for future integration.
  • Different types of testing could be possible by several cloud testers, including vulnerabilities and misconfiguration detection, malware detection, secure end-to-end performance, UI acceptance testing, etc.
  • Few testing examples of cloud computing are Xamarin test cloud, App Thwack, Nessus, BlazeMeter, LoadStorm.

11. Big Data Analysis


Cloud computing plays a vital role in big data analysis. Simply big data is all about handling large amounts of data for several purposes. Massive data flows in a cloud platform with strong processing power enables data scientists to predict the company’s future crises. Data analysts detect simultaneous patterns and correlations with data mining technology, enabling accurate decision-making by the company owners.

Insight of this example

  • Reduces investment costs and enhances the income of the company.
  • A massive flow of data management is only possible in cloud computing, and big data analysis performs well in a cloud platform.
  • Several companies utilize big data analysis to detect future threats from the hacker.
  • Big data application provides several features that are only accessible from cloud computing architecture. So there is no need for physical IT infrastructure anymore.
  • HPCC, Hadoop, Cassandra are a few examples of cloud computing with big data analysis features.

12. Cloud Computing on Education


Almost 80% of educational institution worldwide uses cloud computing for educational purposes. The first advantage of cloud computing is that it reduces the cost of maintaining educational institutions’ IT infrastructure.

LMS (Learning Management System) is a web-based learning application hosted in the cloud server with learning content. Teachers and students share resources on that platform, which enables the student to gain profound knowledge.

Insight of this example

  • Enables teachers to run a virtual classroom and prepare quizzes, exams.
  • Cloud-based virtual machine set-up enables an institution to run its online lab training.
  • There will be no outdated material to learn if students and teachers regularly use LMS.
  • A simple smartphone will enable a student to continue his study by this type of cloud-based system.
  • Tech corporations invest a huge sum of money to build their own learning platform where anyone can access the course material after a small subscription fee.
  • Few examples are Ratatype, SlideRocket, AWS.

13. Cloud Computing in Healthcare


Competitiveness exists in the healthcare industry. Lots of generated data in the medical sector is necessary for decision-making. Cloud computing makes it easy to store data, exchange data between organizations for efficient data analysis.

Many healthcare institutions are making their cloud-based electronic healthcare records. Physicians, nurses, and administration personnel can easily access a patient’s particular data in an emergency.

Insight of this example

  • Patients with chronic disease benefit from cloud computing as they can connect with the physician for proper instruction.
  • Large data file sharing reduces cost and enhances efficiency.
  • “Collaborative Care Solution” is a cloud computing-based application from IBM to accelerate healthcare management.
  • As security is so much here, both the healthcare organization and the cloud service provider takes the necessary steps to secure the patient’s data.
  • Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Dell’s secure healthcare cloud are some of the essential examples of cloud computing platforms for the healthcare sector.

14. Disaster Recovery


Disaster Recovery management is a lifesaving example of cloud computing. A conventional recovery system for the data centers is costly. But the application of cloud computing can make the recovery procedure faster. Virtualization encapsulates the whole system, including patches, operating systems, and software, into a single virtual server. Then this whole virtual server is stored in a remote datacenter.

Insight of this example

  • Possible to send the whole virtual server from one data-center to another in a time of disaster.
  • The cost-effective procedure with less recovery time.
  • An outstanding characteristic of cloud computing in disaster management is the availability of virtual networks in multi-site.
  • This application ensures the most important resources’ running capability, whether it stops less important resources during a disaster.
  • The cloud system of data recovery is easy to implement.

15. Cloud Computing Service of Government


US government is the first paradigm of cloud computing for various government services. As private sectors are well-equipped with cloud services, governments worldwide aggressively start investment in cloud computing. Today U.S government imposes cloud efforts on several sectors like the military, general service administration, NASA, white house.

Insight of this example

  • The reason behind the government’s use of cloud computing is that it enhances workforce productivity, making it flexible to run each department.
  • Examples of cloud computing reduce hardware cost, which is cost-effective for the government.
  • Consolidation with cloud computing increases operational efficiencies.
  • The elastic capacity of cloud computing makes each program of government more responsive and agile.
  • The use of cloud computing in the public sector makes common people more vigilant about using government services like gas, water, and electricity.

16. Deep Learning and Cloud Computing


Deep learning is part of machine learning, which needs a large amount of data to train an algorithm to make decisions by itself.  During data processing, deep learning needs an extra flow of computation, which cannot be provided from a regular computer. So here, cloud computing examples suggesting solutions with elastic capability of storage and computation.

Insight of this example

  • Deep learning technology in the cloud platform allows a developer to design and train deep learning methods faster.
  • Natural language processing, speech recognition, and computer visions are some of the use cases of deep learning strictly related to cloud computing.
  • As cloud architecture offers virtualization, scalability, huge amounts of data storage, which is essential for deep learning analytics.
  • To run deep learning applications, developers only need to find the right cloud server.
  • Examples of deep learning cloud service providers are Alibaba, AWS sagemaker, Cirrascale, Deep cognition.

17. IoT and Cloud Computing


Devices of IoT technology produce a massive amount of data. It is very much difficult to handle those data with traditional technology. But the use of cloud computing technology provides appropriate solutions. Cloud computing and IoT are strongly related together. Cloud server increases speed, the efficiency of IoT applications, and at the same time, ensures the availability of resources to the user.

Insight of this example

  • Cloud computing helps to get insights into data. For example, an agricultural farm would understand the differences between two types of soil in two corners of the country with the help of soil moisture, which will help make farming decisions.
  • The next step of cloud computing is “fog computing.” IoT devices will send data to nearby computing devices as computational power doesn’t exist in IoT devices instead of a cloud server.
  • As IoT devices produce lots of data, high performance is needed to connect with other devices. Examples of cloud computing with IoT ensure that.
  • Pay-as-you-go service reduces the cost for specific IoT infrastructure.
  • Cloud computing examples are Microsoft Azure Cloud, Google’s Cloud IoT platform.

18. Cloud Computing in Business Area


Adobe, VMware, Kamatera are a few examples of cloud computing for business. There may have several business purposes for using cloud computing. Companies are nowadays shares their file internally among employees for much security. Flexibility, ease of use, automation, cost-effectiveness are the reasons why corporate houses are shifting their IT infrastructure towards cloud computing.

Insight of this example

  • The cloud storage service owner can sell unused parts of the cloud to other third parties or offer other companies to share cloud service.
  • Employees can connect with the cloud platform even from home, which increases productivity.
  • Cloud computing applications ensure a large amount of file storage with data recovery, which becomes more efficient when users limit file access with a private cloud.
  • Cloud computing reduces cost in business with its pay-per-use property. It means if the owner just holds cloud service, they don’t need to pay. They have to pay only when they use cloud services.

19.Agile Methodology and Cloud Service


Agile is a software development process cycle. Suppose a condition where developers are working on multiple applications at the same time. And the output of their work is incremental, which means they are adding code fragments each day or week, which is shared among developers working worldwide into that project. Cloud infrastructure ensures a unified, single code structure of a particular project.

Insight of this example

  • Cloud computing provides multiple virtualized servers, which was not available a few days ago. Developers now don’t have to wait for the physical servers to test and deploy.
  • Agile methodology is basically a serial activity in real-time. But cloud computing examples make it a parallel activity.
  • The use of cloud computing in agile methodology increases experimentation.
  • Ensures continuous delivery and integration, which increases productivity.
  • Some services exist to help with agile development. Example: Salesforce, Basecamp.

20. Cloud Storage Backup


Cloud backup or data recovery system means preserving a virtual file or database into a secondary server in case of a critical situation. Cloud computing examples reduce the risk of saving data online. Many examples exist about data backup and recovery, but the customer must understand cloud recovery’s potential use.

Insight of this example

  • Cloud backup can keep safe users’ data from ransomware.
  • Cloud computing service ensures the facility of physical data storage.
  • Highly flexible and scalable as a user can scale up and down according to demand.
  • The risk of common data failure reduces.
  • With proper instruction, backup data can be accessed from anywhere.

Finally, Insight

Cloud computing examples are becoming essential for every aspect of life. Users can use cloud services with pay-per-use or predictive subscription fees. The user better knows the demand. The discussion above shows the usages of cloud computing from several perspectives.

Cloud computing applications are opening different platforms to practice new technologies, which are, in the end, the day puts moves our life ahead. Developers are accumulating cloud computing with other technology like IoT, artificial intelligence, machine learning, etc.

Saying all this, we hope you enjoyed reading this article. Comment below if you know another cloud computing usage or if we should add more articles about cloud computing on this website. Don’t forget to share this article on social media if you want to allow your friend to read this.

Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan
Mehedi Hasan is a passionate enthusiast for technology. He admires all things tech and loves to help others understand the fundamentals of Linux, servers, networking, and computer security in an understandable way without overwhelming beginners. His articles are carefully crafted with this goal in mind - making complex topics more accessible.


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